following may contain coarse language and random unusual sarcastic humor. Deal
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is advised.
Kill them! Kill them all!
yesterday I spent five hours cleaning my home. It started with me wanting to
get rid of some flat bark beetles (Cucujidae, the dorsal habitus of Pediacus
subglaber kind),
and rapidly led to a deep cleaning of the whole apartment. Now, I’m not an
expert on the matter, but I am starting to understand the harm of the little
houseguests I encountered.
Man I know
I’m stubborn in many cases, but these guys … they take the price. Just when you
think you’ve killed them all, think again. These guys just keep crawling back.
They are probably worse than some of your exes, trust me on this one. These
mf:ers lay egg, and they spread faster than false rumors.
I’m not
sure how this all started, but I have my theories. This summer I bought a lot
of expensive wholegrain-, sugar free-, fat free-, diary free-, soy based (you name it) shit,
which I kind of rarely used. When I first noticed the beetles, I found them in
my flaxseed package. Now, they say that these creeps don’t attack whole grain
foods – but the second place I found them, was in my rye flour package, so you
tell me.
So here’s
what I recommend you to do (Obey your master):
Don't do as I do, do as I say
- Be afraid, be very afraid.
- Once you’ve panicked for a while, call the terminators, or look for some “insect killer spray”. Or as I did, make your own (the contents are top secret).
- Get rid of any food that isn’t cold (they can’t survive under 18 degrees Celsius)
- Throw away any infested package (sealed or not sealed)
- Vacuum the pantry and cabinet shelves.
- Remove your vacuum bag, freeze it, and throw it away.
- Wash all your cloths after cleaning, and take a shower or two. I know humans don’t attract these insects, but I guess I’m too sexy for them during night, because I somehow woke up next to one this morning.
Once you’ve
killed them, you freeze them. And when you’ve frozen them, you burn them. And
then you may throw them away. Do I exaggerate and make it sound as if these are
larva’s reproducing and invading my home – probably. But just believe me when I
say, you do not want to just let them be. If you see one, for the love of flying spaghetti monsters,
don’t just kill it and leave it be! Chances are that one fellow has already laid
an egg somewhere.
So what’s
the lesson learned here? Well, healthy food isn’t as healthy as you might
My plans for now? Well First of all I’m going to turn off the heat completely, and then I’m going
to evacuate the place and stay with my fiancé for a while, until they are all
dead. So basically I’m just going to do nothing (a.k.a. pray) for a few days to
see if they have frozen to death when I get back home.
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